29 November 2010

M Man

Assalammualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Ok, tengok kepada tajuk agak pelik bukan?
M Man tu apa???
atau siapa???
haha...M Man to my bro la... XD
Muzakkirman..[so not cool dengan nama tu] (=_=')
Apa kaitan dengan saya?
Sebenarnya apa saya nak cakap ialah....
semalam saya edit gambar my bro wearing like a superhero suit 
or to me more like an assassin suit..haha =P

First attempt

2nd attempt, my bro penasihat

Finally, dia suka macam ni
At last, tambah sikit ayat, & the final product is this.
Ok, memang saya tak ada keje kalau anda sedang wondering..haha
That's why I did this.. 
Ok. so toodlez!

Assalammualaikum & have a nice day!

26 November 2010

My Day ^^,

Assalammualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Ok, so today is 26 November 2010.
What's up with that date?
Well, it happens to be my birthday!! (^^,)
My 20th Birthday...
Can't believe I'm no longer a teenager... (-_-")

Alhamdulillah to Allah s.w.t. for giving me this ni'mat of living on this Earth..
&breathing this air...
until today...

Ok, so what did I do today...
Firstly, I woke up this morning like any other morning..
What time? (It's a secret...haha) ;P
Had breakfast..
Watch TV..
Then at 2 pm, I went to my friend's house...
Need a ride to go to Sunway Pyramid because that's where my friends celebrated my birthday...
As we arrived there, my friends suggested that we ate Teppanyaki..
I just agreed as I've never tried to eat Teppanyaki before..
So this is what I ordered

Chicken Teppanyaki

Ok then we thought of watching movie..
but there aren't any movies that was at the right moment that we wanted to watch...
So we took the decision to walk around Sunway Pyramid before we settle down at the CHOCOLATE..
Just to ate ice cream that cost RM 1.50...haha

Vanilla Sundae

But we had a long chat..^^,

I got this nice pinkish bracelet
Love it !

Then, it was time to go home..
Hugs & kisses...

At home..
Mum bought me a chocolate cake...^^,

Chocolate cake

It was a simple birthday...but i love it!
Thanx to my mum, my brothers & my friends for giving me a treat & spending time celebrating my birthday..
Really appreciate it..

Assalammualaikum & have a blast day!

25 November 2010

Percubaan Pertama

Assalammualaikum & salam sejahtera...

Ini percubaan pertama saya dalam menulis blog berbentuk agak peribadi tapi masih boleh dikongsikan bersama anda. (^^,)

Diberi nama 'Luvoneknee's doodlez' kerana saya seorang yang suka doodle ataupun diterjemahkan sebagai 'menconteng' dalam bm. Yup, inilah tabiat buruk saya. Pantang tengok kertas atau buku kosong. Mesti rasa nak conteng.hehe... (^^,)

So, blog ini basically berdasarkan contengan-contengan saya. hehe... xkisahlah apa-apa saja yang saya fikir, rasa, lihat, dengar, atau angan-angankan...saya akan conteng dalam bentuk lukisan, kata-kata mutiara atau puisi...berdasarkan kreativiti saya yang xseberapa ni...=P

Harap anda yang membaca menyukai apa yang saya postkan nanti. Akhir kata dari saya

Buah cempedak di atas pagar, 
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan; 
Saya budak baru belajar, 
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.
Assalammualaikum & have a nice day!