05 June 2013

When did it all started...

Hello there!

I don't know when did it all started.
Now that I have a new love interest.

I'm officially in love with reading.
Reading novels.
English novels.

How do I start?
Oh, yeah! Suddenly I just enjoyed reading and that was certainly NOT ME.
I mean not the OLD ME.
The OLD ME never like reading books. Especially thick books with full words. lol.
The worst part. 
I could never finished a book before. Seriously.
One book could take me more than a year.
Dreadful isn't it?

I've changed. Recently.
I can read and also finish them.
Not just one, but I've finished 5 already in just 2 months.
A big accomplishment for someone who wasn't a book worm before.

Reasons? Let's just say, I'm thankful for his words which eventually brought me into "this" world.